Did anyone else enjoy the game as much as i did? hahaha!! Its not that i dont like Lebron, matter of fact he's one of my favorites i just think has gotten a little too cocky. So that felt good to me cuz mello is just as good
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The email had a screenshot of Google search result, in which the search term was “white people stole my car” and in the result page the image shows response from Google as “Did you mean: black people stole my car”.
I’m 100% sure this was just a joke which was played by some mischievous guy (gal). But for the sake of it I did tried searching the phrase and found that we are not able to (re)create the scenario. Either Google has already fixed it or this was never the case. I believe in the latter.
Well whoever played this joke on Google pulled a fast one! I hope people take this joke in a good taste and just laugh it off.